I'm looking forward to sharing about the many things that take place here on our small farm. Of course, to many people, our place wouldn't be considered a farm, but when you have over 2000 square feet in garden space, 20 fruit and berry trees, goats, chickens, rabbits, cats, dogs, and a pig, I think it should be considered a small farm at least!
I am the third born of twelve children, and living in a family of fourteen has been a wonderful journey. We have lived here for 11 years, and every year our place looks more and more like a farm. My passion is to be able to grow and make well over half of what our family eats.
This blog is where I will be sharing about when and how we do what we do. There's always something to learn while farming!
Once again, thank you for visiting, and check back soon for more updates and information from Rebecca of Sunny Hill Farm!