I was born third in line for our eventual family of twelve. I am blessed with two wonderful parents whose focus is to serve God and to raise and assist their children in their personal walks with the Lord. Our family is involved in the music ministry, and just recently we have been called into full-time ministry. Singing with my family is probably one of the greatest joys of my life!
I accepted Christ as my personal Savior when I was eight years old, and though I was a babe in Christ for many years, I was kept safe in my Heavenly Father's hands.
The past five years God has been doing an amazing work in my heart, and I praise Him for the peace, joy, and contentment He has blessed me with. I know the sanctification process God is bringing me through is far from over, but I know that with each trial and testing will come a lesson and the blessed knowledge that God has me right where He wants me.
I enjoy sharing with others the blessings and lessons (both difficult and easy!) that God has given me. I have a special place in my heart for other young women striving to serve the Lord and be all that He wants them to be. There has been so much that God has taught me that already He is using to assist and encourage other girls in their walk with Him.
In addition to singing with my family, I also enjoy crafting, gardening, and working with animals. I am a certified Master Gardener, have raised many animals for eggs, meat, milk, and personal enjoyment. I love working with my hands and have also kept up with two personal crafting businesses.
With the Fruit of Her Hands: https://www.etsy.com/shop/withfruitofherhands
Jewels for Christ, Christian Camp Distributor: http://www.jewelsforchristccd.com/index.html
In my spare time I also greatly enjoy writing and working with my pastels. Only recently have I begun really working on my art, and in the future I hope to make some of my pieces available to purchase.
In the past I have written inspirational articles, poetry, and informative articles through Yahoo! Voices:
Now I am focusing more on using my abilities as a testimony and encouragement for other young ladies.I will be revising and posting several of my inspirational articles from Yahoo! Voices for my blog.
Contact info:
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. I would love to hear from you!
You can contact me at: